Tyler was one of the participants in the 2019 8 Week Challenge.
I’m the kind of person that does not like to exercise and I like to eat whatever I want, when I want. I started working with BodymetRx team because I was interested in the science and data that they use to create custom meal and exercise plans for each person. Once I received my meal plan and started to exercise properly I was shocked to see how quickly my body started to respond and change. I started to burn fat, put on muscle and even sleep better and longer. The body fat loss challenge was a great way to get me motivated and to stay on track. The staff was very helpful, knowledgeable, and friendly. I would recommend that anyone with an interest in general health and well being to go to BodymetRx. It’s very helpful to know what your body needs in order to be at its best.
Yucaipa, CA