You know the saying: All work, no play… But being dull isn’t really the issue—stress is. The numbers are staggering: 43% of all adults suffer adverse health effects from stress, and between 75-90% of all doctor’s office visits are for stress-related ailments and complaints!
And while a little stress can be good for you, keeping you alert and agile, an abundance of stress can take a serious toll on your health and well-being, so you owe it to yourself to minimize it at all costs.
Balance Is Your BFF
Your best defense against the ravages of stress is surprisingly simple: It involves getting proper rest (7-8 hours each night) and eating regular, healthy meals. (If this is something that you could use help with—either guidance about foods to add to your diet, or accountability to help you stick with a healthy eating regimen—please click here for a consultation .)
Time off is also important. If you can’t afford to be away from your office for a week, take day trips or mini-vacations instead. Creating pockets of downtime throughout the year will help you recharge.
Getting outside, spending time in the fresh air or in nature on a regular basis is also beneficial. It can be as simple as walking to your local coffee shop or taking your dog to the park, or lacing up your trail runners and taking to the hills. Think along these lines. Bonus: a change of scenery often prompts new ideas.
It Takes a Village
When you are feeling overwhelmed, don’t try to be a Superwoman or Superman. Reach out to those around you and ask for help. Call upon neighbors, family members, and friends to perform tasks that are not your forte. In return, offer your unique skills, and feel the warm embrace of community. This can greatly minimize the effects of stress.
To find that community, you may want to seek out a yoga class that’s focused on relaxation. This can be the ideal place to form friendships with other people who are also in need of unwinding in their lives. You can support each other in the process.
Take a Deep Breath
When all else fails, breathe. It sounds simple, but the act of taking deep, mindful breaths can transport you out of a stressful moment, slow your heart rate, and help keep things in perspective.
Burnout is not a badge of honor; it’s a liability to your wellbeing, so avoid falling into its trap.
Because in the end, you’ve only got one life to live; better to spend your time feeling happy—and healthy.
Related Links
Yoga Therapy for Back Pain and Stress Relief with Kanta Barrios
Breathing for Relaxation