This month Body MetRx would like to recognize Katie French who works at out Hanna Duprez’s studio in Redlands. Hanna’s passion for her clients was apparent the first time I met her. A single parent running her own business is a feat in itself, so her dedication to her clients above and beyond is admirable.
Katie joined the challenge put on Hanna and you can read her story below. She has found tools and people she believes in and who believe in her. But, at the end of the day, it was Katie who put in the work. She changed her mindset, wasn’t afraid to eat what her body needed and dedicated time for herself to workout. Congrats Katie! Looking forward to phase 2 of the transformation!
Here’s Katie’s Story:
Weight is something I’ve always struggled with. I workout at least 5 days a week and eat pretty healthy but I just couldn’t seem to lean out. I’ve been working my butt off with @hannaduprezzz for the past year but just wasn’t seeing the changes I wanted. 6 weeks ago Hanna started a 6 week challenge for all of us girls who workout at her studio. But this wouldn’t be just any 6-week challenge. She introduced all of us to Marly at @bodymetrx. We were required to do a body composition analysis, but after sitting down and talking to Marly we agreed I also needed to do her 3D body imaging and RMR. If it wasn’t for Marly and getting my RMR done I wouldn’t have been so successful these past 6 weeks. I was extremely under eating basically starving my body. On average I would eat 1,200-1,800 calories a day. For the amount of muscle I have and how fast my metabolism is we found I burn over 2,400 calories resting a day. I took these numbers back to Hanna and she helped me calculate my macros. Then I went to my awesome Herbalife coach @shredwardhl and got on the proper products I needed. Over the past 6 weeks, I completely cleaned up my diet, allowing for a cheat meal a week, counted my macros, and followed my Herbalife nutrition plan. If it wasn’t for these 3 amazing people there is no way I would be where I am today. I was able to lose 13.7 inches around my body, dropped 2.07% body fat, lost 8.62lbs of pure fat, and gained .62lbs of lean muscles. On top of this, I feel amazing and have so much energy. I used to drink excessive amounts of caffeine a day, like 1-2 red bulls with coffee, 5-hour energies, I never felt like I got enough sleep. Now I sleep about 7 hours a night and feel great every morning with no need for caffeine. Thank you so much to @hannaduprezzz @bodymetrx @shredwardhl for everything you guys have done for me these past 6 weeks. These results have just fueled my fire and I can’t wait to see what I can accomplish over these next few months. There is no stopping me now! Many people will ask me how I could post pics like this and my answer is because there is no going back from here and it’s a reminder of how far I’ve come. #crushedit
If you want results like Katie’s contact us at 909-801-0035 or book online at www.bodymetrx.com under memberships.
If you’re interested in joining Hanna’s studio contact her at 909-289-6910