This month BodymetRx would like to recognize Mike and Misti, a husband and wife team that entered a 5 week nutritional challenge at CDR. The participants engaged in a full testing analysis which includes a baseline body composition analysis, 3D Body Scan, RMRw/CO2, and VO2. Each participant then had a custom meal plan written by Tracey of Fit Foods based off their RMR and CO2 test results and continued their usual CrossFit routine. Both had amazing results and are proof that a little knowledge, the right team behind them, and implementation can get you to your goals. Congrats to Mike for winning the entire challenge and to Misti who’s looking even hotter!
Mike lost: 17lbs, 5.7% body fat and 13 inches
Here’s what Mike had to say:
A long time ago I heard about body composition testing and thought to myself “cool!” I had wanted to do some testing like that but never really knew where to go. When BodymetRx partnered with CDR for a fitness challenge it was a perfect opportunity to try a body composition test and complete a fitness challenge.
I went into the challenge with expectations of creating better eating habits, learning some body stats and losing some weight. The end results far exceeded my expectations.
To start, the testing with BodymetRx was awesome. I knew little about all the tests offered. What started out as an idea to just have a body composition test turned into a body composition, RMRw/ CO2, and 3D body scan session. At the time I didn’t fully know how each would impact my fitness challenge but over the next 5 weeks I would find out.
The three tests provide important information to create a fitness plan that would result in me losing 17 pounds and 13 inches across my body over a 5 week period. I believe the two pieces of information that provided me the most benefit was the metabolism chart. For the first time, I learned my metabolism burns slower than normal. Knowing this helped my meal planning to include foods that help kick start my metabolism. But it also helped explain why I never feel hungry or get hangry. Second, learning a number of calories my body burns a day with no physical activity helped me eat the proper amount of calories to maintain or lose weight. My report said to maintain my weight I had to consume approximately 1,700 calories a day. At first, I thought that doesn’t sound like a lot. But I was more surprised when my fitness/meal plan had me at approximately 1,400 calories a day.
My fitness/meal plan of 1,400 calories included a wide range of foods and to my surprise, I never felt hungry. My meal plan was simple and had me eating every few hours. For the most part, I ate what I wanted. Though some foods were limited, such as fruit. I completely cut out alcohol, processed foods and eating at restaurants. My meals focused on carbs from vegetables, white meat proteins and fat from nuts.
For my workouts, I was inconsistent. Work and life happened. I worked out on average twice a week and had maybe 1 cardiovascular day a week. If anything my inconsistent workouts reinforced the fact that the information from my BodymetRx testing was highly affective.
Misti lost 4.9lbs, 4.8% body fat and 10.6 inches
Here’s what Misti had to say:
So, I just wanted to say thank you, again to Marly, Tracey, & BodymetRx for this fun and informative experience! For having only to stand on a turntable or sit momentarily, or breathe in a tube, I am amazed at how much knowledge you can gain about your body from these scans and tests! I followed Tracey’s meal & exercise recommendations (go see her) and was able to see awesome results! You can too!
If you’re ready to start your nutrition and fitness journey are tighten up your current one make an appointment today. Now is the time, you are worth it.