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Protein Marshmallows!

Protein Marshmallows

Dave Asprey has spent over $300,000 on tests on himself and has developed a line of high quality products as a result. I found him while researching the phenomenon of Bulletproof Coffee and have been hooked on his products ever since. Below is a fun recipe for protein marshmallows that use Bulletproof CollaGelatin, put out by Dave Asprey. My kids love marshmallows and now I can involve them in the kitchen and treat them to something without the guilt.  Also if you have not tried Bulletproof coffee check it out here:  Bulletproof Coffee, Protein Style

 What is the difference between collagen and gelatin exactly?

The gelatin in Bulletproof CollaGelatin is the same kind you would get in a long-simmering beef bone broth, dried into a powder. Unlike any other kind of protein, it dissolves equally well in hot and cold liquids… And when you add it to something hot and let it cool in the fridge, it takes on a jelly-like texture.

Collagen is just regular gelatin that goes through an extra step by letting enzymes break down the amino acids. This takes away collagen’s ability to “gel” – yet also makes it easier to digest. It still mixes well in hot liquids like Bulletproof Coffee, though it tends to clump in cold drinks and shakes.

Why combine gelatin and collagen?

When you put Bulletproof Process collagen and gelatin together, you get a protein that mixes just as smoothly as gelatin all by itself – yet with twice the protein of normal gelatin. And it’s even easier on your stomach, thanks to collagen’s broken-down aminos.

When is CollaGelatin better than plain Collagen Protein?

Regular Collagen Protein powder is a great choice to blend into hot drinks or soups, or into a shake if you have a blender handy.   is your best bet for mixing into either hot or cold drinks without a blender – with just a few stirs of a spoon. And of course, you can also quickly heat and cool CollaGelatin to make incredible Bulletproof desserts!

Homemade Marshmallows – Sweet Treat with Health Benefits


4 Tablespoons Bulletproof CollaGelatin

1 cup water

1 cup raw honey

1 teaspoon of vanilla (you can use other flavors such as peppermint extract, lemon extract, almond extract)  


    1. Pour ½ cup of water into a metal bowl or mixer bowl and add Bulletproof Collagelatin.  Whisk slightly to incorporate and let sit.
    2. Pour the other ½ cup of water and 1 cup of honey into the small saucepan.
    3. Slowly bring the water and honey mixture to a boil. If you have a kitchen thermometer, you want it to reach at least 240 degrees. If not, just keep boiling, stirring constantly for 8 minutes.
    4. Slowly start pouring the honey/water mixture into the bowl with the gelatin mix (which will be hardened by now).
    5. Turn on the mixer or hand mixer and keep on medium as the honey mixture is added.
    6. When add honey mix is added, turn the mixer to high and blend with the mixer for another 10-15 minutes or until it forms a stiff cream the consistency of marshmallow cream (it should form gentle peaks).
    7. Add any flavor ingredients for the last 2 minutes of mixing (except cocoa powder which can be added to the honey mix in the saucepan).
    8. Grease a 9×13 inch baking dish with coconut oil, or line with parchment paper, leaving some on the sides to be able to pull up.
    9. When marshmallows are whipped, pour into the lined/greased dish and smooth evenly.
    10. Let sit at least 4 hours (overnight is better).
    11. Flip on to a cutting board and cut with a well oiled pizza cutter or knife.
    12. Store in an airtight container.
    13. ENJOY WITH IN A HEALTHIER CUP OF HOT CHOCOLATE WITH Bulletproof Upgraded Chocolate Powder

Do NOT store in the fridge as they will melt. Store in an airtight container at room temperature.

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